Urban Snail Walk Amsterdam IJ

Waterlandse Zeedijk, Zeeburg and Eastern Docklands

Versiedatum: 05-02-2024

15 KM

metrostation Noorderpark, Amsterdam


Noorderpark metro station is an excellent base for walking. With this city tour, we will hike around the IJ. You'll see this former bulge of the Zuiderzee in all its glory. We start the hike by walking through Noorderpark and cross the Noordhollands Kanaal via the park. From the park, we walk straight into the Vliegenbos, created a hundred years ago for the welfare of the dock workers. We then follow the Nieuwendammerdijk through the old ribbon village of the same name with its pretty wooden facades. We walk a pretty grassy path along the Nieuwendammerham harbour. In Schellingwouderpark, we can even enjoy the grassy quayside along the IJ. Crossing the Oranjesluizen locks is impressive. Enjoy the break if you have to wait for ships in the lock! There will soon be plenty of construction on Zeeburgereiland, but the dike along the Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal remains an attractive walking ribbon. We cross the canal and walk straight into the Flevopark. After a diversion through the park, the walk from Zeeburgerdijk becomes a bit more 'stony'. We enter the Eastern Docklands. These docks built in the IJ in the 19e century have been transformed into hip new housing estates. We walk along the harbour quays and see beautiful houseboats of all shapes and sizes. We cross the IJ by ferry to Noord and end the tour with a walk through the characteristic Vogelbuurt neighbourhood.

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