Urban Snail Walk Amsterdam Houthavens

Westergasfabriek, Spaarndammerbuurt and Houthavens

Versiedatum: 20-04-2024

13 KM

station Amsterdam Centraal, Amsterdam


This is a city walk from old to new, using architecture and urbanism as a guide. From Central Station, we make our way out through the Western Islands. Passing the old warehouses of Prinseneiland, we arrive at the Haarlemmerpoort. We briefly take in the green Westerpark, also to experience the atmosphere of the trendy Westergasfabriek. Two former gas holders here have been transformed into a pond - we walk through them! The third gasholder is still there and is now a well-known event hall. Then we cross the railway tracks to the Spaarndammerbuurt. Here we take time to admire the highlights of the Amsterdam School in Dutch architecture. Enjoy the exuberant, colourful buildings and check out the many details in the facades. Architect Michel de Klerk's 'Het Schip', in particular, is a beauty. A visit to the museum is definitely recommended. We continue walking through the cosy Zaanhof and across the triangular Zaandammerplein. Then we cross the brand-new Spaarndammertunnel and enter the Houthavens. In Minervahaven, timber merchants gradually give way to hip activity and even a theatre. Don't skip the back and forth trip across the Haparandadam, as you will miss the striking REM island and a great view. Then we stroll through the latest housing projects in Amsterdam-West. And it doesn't stop there: on the Van Diemenkade with its many houseboats, we have a great view of the Silodam, where the two former grain silos have been converted into apartment buildings. Finally, we stroll along the Westerdok, with the 17th -century Bickerseiland on the right. As a final, we cross over to the IJ Dock, with its quirky buildings and with views of the Film museum Eye and the Amsterdam Tower on the other side.

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