Snail Walk Wijk aan Zee

Dorpsduinen, Ligustervlak and De Rellen

Versiedatum: 09-12-2024

13 KM
55 M

Julianaplein bus stop at Julianaplein, Wijk aan Zee


This lovely Snail Walk consists of a few loops from the typical sea village of Wijk aan Zee. With some regularity, the village gets publicity because of its difficult relationship with its big industrial neighbour Hoogovens, now Tata Steel. It is precisely the contrast between nature and heavy industry that makes this walk special. From Julianaplein near the church, we climb directly up the 32-metre-high Paasduin dune. On the south side, you come face to face with immense buildings of the steelworks. You turn halfway and see a lovely village in the dunes below, with two churches and a large village meadow. The southern loop follows narrow dune paths and a former company road towards the sea. On the way, we pass the sculpture park 'Zee van Staal'. Metre-high steel sculptures stand amid rich dune flora, with the smoking blast furnaces and dark ore heaps in the background. Then we walk through the Hoge Duin and through the Village Dunes. You can't imagine a nicer playground near school. You buy a ticket for the Dune Reserve and walk successively through the plains of Bassinvlak and Ligustervlak. High dunes alternate with large plains and sometimes deep dune pools. The last part of the hike goes through the reserve area De Rellen. This name refers to former dune streams that flowed onto the beach near Wijk aan Zee. For centuries, potatoes were grown, bushes cut, fishing nets trimmed and sheep grazed on excavated land close to the village.

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